Returning to Play
From Football Tasmania:
“Dear Football Family,
I am pleased to let you know that Football Tasmania’s Return to Training Requirements (Stage 1) have been accepted by the State Government. This is an important first step in the ‘reboot’ of football and has given us hope that it won’t be too long before we are back on the park and playing football again.
While this is encouraging, it is important we continue to be patient and sensible. We must work together to ensure a smooth transition back to football and to ensure that our community remains safe and well.
The Return to Training Requirements (Stage 1) provides practical information for clubs, players and parents and general precautions we can all support.
To further support clubs and associations, a Response Management Plan (attached) has been developed by Football Tasmania. This resource is available to assist clubs and associations develop their own systems and processes around the delivery of training and venue management and guide the development of your return to training.
Please note that both of these documents will be updated as further information becomes available.
It is important to note that clubs cannot commence training until these plans have been developed and submitted to Football Tasmania and have had approval from your Council/Land owner that you can re-commence training.
We ask that you continue to be patient and supportive of your volunteer club committees so that they have the necessary time to consider all relevant factors and create safe training venues for their members.
Individually there is a lot we can do when training does resume. We must take full responsibility for our own behaviour and our decision making. We can:
Download the CovidSafe app
Not attend training if unwell
Label belongings, particularly drink bottles so it is clear who owns it and not share any belongings
Bring your own hand sanitiser in your training bag
Comply with every aspect of our club’s processes and systems by practicing social distancing, training in groups with a maximum of 10 and adopting the ‘get in – train – get out’ approach (no arriving early or hanging around after training
Recognise that the 2020 season will be very different compared to previous seasons. It will be shorter and compressed and training may be delivered at different times, and possibly on different days, compared to previous seasons. The same is also likely to apply if and when we progress to competition matches, so we need to manage our expectations and be prepared for a different 2020 season.
It is essential we all do our part to ensure that our football and broader communities remain safe and so we can transition to a competition phase of football.
Stay safe and well and we look forward to seeing you back on the pitch at training in the coming weeks.
Matt Bulkeley”
We are excited to return to football but encourage everyone to maintain physical distancing and stay safe.